New website

Hi All,

Sorry we were down for a few weeks. I've been transferring websites and relocating domains - all activities at the very tippy, tippy edge of my competence (and one might argue, given the delay, that some of it was beyond that edge). The new website is up and running now, though, and I'm loving the change. Hope you do too.

In Dev news, I'm plugging away at a new story set in the beautiful Wisconsin northwoods. In fact, many of the scenes occur about 20 miles up the road from my house. In particular, I've enjoyed spending imaginative time at the Boulder Beer Bar, a real place with a great oak bar and a nice beer selection. Too bad I can't quite work in the big bash they have for the annual Harley ride. Maybe another story for that....

Hope you're all having a great summer. I'd love to hear what's been going on.